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1840 Federal Census sheet

Identifier: 2023.183.1
Sheet from the 1840 census done in Rappahannock County. Listed are the households of Randall Spicer, Sarah Fristoe, John Browning, Mason Browning, Nicholas Browning, James B. Hull, Nancy Freeman, Jemima Bywaters, John Martin, Rowley Butler, Elizabeth Jones, Garnet Wharton, James Whitescarver, Elizabeth Martin, Benjamin L. Mozingo, Maria Wilson, George Mozingo, ? Mozingo, Elizabeth Utz, Margaret Duncan, Nelson Wharton, William Golden, Joseph Golden, John Timbers, B. Thornhill, William Boyd, Godfrey Hudneck, Henry Menefee, George Mozingo Jr. John Timbers was a free black. man with three male family members and three female family members.
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