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Rappahannock County Commencement Exercises in 1924

Identifier: 2019.1.269
Commencement plans for the schools of Rappahannock County in 1924. The scheduled date was May 17th ant the location was Washington, VA. Brook Henry, and Jack Miller, and Hubert Keyser were the parade committee. Teachers representing the county districts were: Hampton-Misses Parker, Slaughter, and Mr. Hitt Wakefield: Misses Pattie, Turner, and Cornelia Robinson Jackson: Misses Ferguson, Rowzie, and Mr. Beatty Stonewall: Misses Woolston, Stark, and Johnson Piedmont: Mrs. Hudson and Misses Atkins and Hitt Hawthorne: Misses Hamilton, Hitt, and Jessie Brown
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