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Rappahannock County Supervisors' Book 1 pgs. 144-146

Identifier: 2017.1.290
Minutes from the July 1st and July 28th 1879 Rappahannock County Supervisors meetings. The first meeting was held at the county Poor Farm in Sperryville for the purpose of inspecting and taking an inventory of the farm. The inventory included 5 cows, 19 horses, farm implements, and 250 bushels of wheat. The supervisors concluded, "We find the houses neat and clean and in good condition, but beds and bedding inferior and that it would be expedient to get some other bedding as the winter approaches. We find the farm in a bad condition and destitute of grass and would recommend less cultivation and the use of more grass and the grazing of more milch cows and other stock." At the later meeting monies were ordered paid to the previous County Superintendent of the Poor, Posey Wayland, and the present Superintendent, Henry C. Johnson, was forwarded money to pay expenses already incurred for the indigent in the county.
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