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Information on Fredericksburg and Rappahannock Rail Line taken from Elisabeth B. & C.E. Johnson Jr.'s Papers

Identifier: 2017.1.259
Four items concerning the proposed subscription for Culpeper County in the Fredericksburg Rappahannock Rail Line. A meeting was held in June 1901 by the stock holders of Eastern Virginia Construction Company, the proposed builder of the new rail line. In May 16, 1902, the Culpeper Star-Exponent said that of the 27 replies it received concerning the rail line, four were noncommittal, three in favor, and twenty against. On May 31, 1902 the motion was approved, with 155 in favor. On July 31, 1902, the county court ordered the issuance of $50,000 of bonds in the project. Mr. G. D. Gray, a lawyer hired by 100 concerned citizens, applied for an injunction to stop the supervisors from complying with this order.
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